Conference, Denmark
The sky is the limit
The Roadmap to Success in English
February 2nd, 2023 in Kolding, Denmark at 12:30 pm
We are excited to invite you to the conference ‘The Sky is the Limit, The Roadmap to Success in English’!
Six primary and secondary schools from Denmark, Finland, and The Netherlands joined forces with ETS, Educational Testing Service (Princeton, USA) and Goal Testing to excel in English language teaching and to change the ways we think about the role of assessment in education.
During this conference, we will take you with us on our journey highlighting the lessons learned within two years of collaboration as well as sharing best practices, ideas, resources, and key takeaways from the Erasmus+ project iBUILD IT.
The conference is open to all and provides a rich program of professional development for English teachers in primary and secondary education, heads of language departments, school directors, academic managers, teacher trainers, researchers, and teacher training academy students alike.
Register quickly to participate cost free through an EU-sponsorship! The conference fee is otherwise dkr. 1.000,- per person.
12:30 Registration
13:00 - 13:15 Welcome Speech
13:15 - 14:00 Integrating Oracy - Nat. Geo.
14:00 - 14:15 Break
14:15 - 15:00 Workshop Round 1
15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break
15:15 - 16:00 Workshop Round 2
16:00 - 17:00 Networking / Drinks & Bites
Kolding Kommune Uddannelsescenter
Ågade 27
6000 Kolding
Integrating Oracy in the Classroom
Alex Warren (National Geographic)
In English
Workshop - Round 1
CLIL: Using Music and Films to Teach US History
Gitte Alstrup (Alminde Viuf Fælleskole, Denmark)
In English
Assessment for Better Learning
Nalan Atabek (Goal Testing, NL)
Ozgen Bagci (Goal Testing, IT, NL, TR)
In English
Boosting Self-Efficacy through Differentiation in English Classes at Primary School​Martin Bredthauer (Vester Nebel Skole, Denmark)Maria Rosing Møller (Vester Nebel Skole, Denmark)Bonnie Maria Hansen (Vester Nebel Skole, Denmark)In English
Supporting Motivation and Courage to Use Foreign Languages Using Games and Plays in Classroom Paula Havukainen (Kimpisen Koulu, Finland)Satu Ihalainen (Kimpisen Koulu, Finland)In English
Workshop - Round 2
1. Promoting Speaking Skills in the Primary Classroom
Nalan Atabek (Goal Testing, NL)
2. Research Insights - Interactive Workshop
- The development of written narrative skills among young language learners.
- Development of speaking skills: Insights from EFL learners’ performances in a picture narration task.
- Primary to secondary school transition: Views and voices from English teachers across three European contexts.
Veronika Timpe-Laughlin (ETS)
Jeremy Lee (ETS)
Shinhye Lee (ETS)
Ching-Ni Hsieh (ETS)
3. Empowering Secondary School Students: Get Them Talking
Gitte Alstrup (Alminde Viuf Fælleskole, Denmark)
In English
4. Bridging the Gap: Transition from Primary to Secondary Education
Bernardien van der Vorm-Nijhof (Obs Stedeke, Diepenheim)
Pascalle Bobbink (Obs Stedeke, Diepenheim)
Diana Menger (SG De Waerdenborch, Goor)
In English